Monday, March 17, 2014

Blog fo Nelson A.

Today exemplified why I made the trip to NYC on my spring break. Not only did I learn more about an important health epidemic, but more importantly, I made a difference. During our first day at Terrance Cook Clinic I was introduced to a Brazilian woman who spoke a few words of English. She was the highlight of what was a wonderful and eventful day. I was thankful to find a great use in speaking Portuguese and help an 82 year old woman feel understood for the first time in years. Tragically, translator services had not been provided because of budgetary restrictions. When I first entered the room she sat in the corner expressionless. The room was quiet and lacked energy. I was paid no attention as I was escorted to her by a recreational therapist. When the therapist introduced herself to the elderly Brazilian resident she appeared confused and sad. So I said, “Ola Senhora, como vai?” Her face lit up. She could hardly believe it as she grasped for the armrests on her chair. During our exchange I listened to her story and translated some questions the therapist had for her. During which, I learned she was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil where she never received an education. Instead of learning how to read in school she was working. She began working as a house maid and babysitter from the age of 9. In her 40s, she arrived in Miami, Florida where she lived for 7 years. Then she moved north to New York City. Somehow she ended up displaced in a long term living facility without any friends or family to reach out to for help. As she put it, “I was single my whole life because I was always sacrificing to work for my brothers and sisters.” I felt especially fortuitous and useful when she was able to have her needs and wants understood. For instance, her dentures had been cutting into her gums so she wanted an appointment with the dentist and that was promptly scheduled after our talk. I eagerly await more conversations with her the rest of the week to learn more of her story and give her a rare opportunity to converse.


Nelson Almeida

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What an incredible connection- can't wait to read more about how this relationship unfolds!
